Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lush UK order, and how Lush came into my life.

Monday (9th of august) will be my 30th birthday. No more twenty-something.
My husband is very busy preparing a nice present, and I'm very, very curious what it'll be! He also allowed me to order some lovely scented, mouth-watering cosmetics from Lush. I prefer to order from the UK, as it's a lot cheaper for me.
A few years ago I read a lot about Lush on blogs and message boards, but I had never entered a Lush store, nor did I try any products. Than, in 2008, I entered a Lush store in Moscow, with high expectations. Unfortunately, I almost had to vomit when I smelled some soap and lipbalms, so I left the store in less than a minute. I decided Lush was not for me, and didn't understand what everyone liked so much about it. I thought it stank like hell.
But still it bothered me that everyone seemed to like Lush, except me. I even read about people spending hundreds of euros on their products, real addicts!So, when we were in Russia last winter, I decided to give Lush another chance. I entered another store. I took my time to sniff around....and little by little I started to appreciate the scents. I found out that not everything was so stinky, and when I discovered Karma Soap, the Business Time Massage Bar and Silky underwear I was sold!I seriously wanted to bite in this massage bar, LOVE! I guess you need to try not to be distracted by some of the strong smelling products, and just find out what works for you.
But, I still think Lush a bit too expensive, so I just order my favorite products every now and then.
The products you see in the pics are: Buffy, You Snap the Whip, Porridge, Avobath, Business Time Massage Bar, Happy Blooming, Sweet Lips, and Lemony Flutter. It's the first time I used Lemony Flutter, and I have to say it works incredibly well for my cuticles! An amazing product.
Lush was very generous on samples this time, I received Sunny Citrus, Tuca Tuca Massage Bar, Charlotte Island Body Tint, Mask of Magnamity, Karma Soap and a green soap of which I can't read the name. I'm very happy with my new products!
Do you like Lush? What is your favorite product?

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